OPINION: On Justice Akon & The CRS House of Assembly

BY: Mazi Endurance Onun

Cross River State is one of the most ethnic-sensitive states in Nigeria. As unbiased as it is, there are two naturally non-indigenous ladies (one from Akwa-Ibom, the other from Imo State) married to Cross Riverians and currently serving as State Commissioners. Truth remains that natural non-indigenous people (males & females) have always, and will continue to hold public offices in Cross River State.

Common sense has advised that no matter how ethnic-sensitive we may be, we should never allow a naturally non-indigene become Head of our Executive Government (Governor), Legislative Government (Speaker), or Judiciary Government (Chief Judge). These three top-most offices demand the highest level of trust, fidelity and confidentiality, especially, in trying times.

The case becomes more interesting when any naturally non-indigene is coming from a “rival state” like Akwa-Ibom to occupy any of these top-most offices. At the moment, there are pockets of court cases between Cross River State and Akwa Ibom State over land rights between Odukpani LGA of Cross River State and Itu LGA of Akwa Ibom State. Appointing an Akwa Ibomite to head our Judiciary in the midst of all these cases may be one risk any conscious person may not want to take.

A bitter memory to bring to mind was when we had a State Governor who was rumored to be an Akwa Ibomite. By the end of the day, we lost our 76 oil wells, lost a chunk of our border lands and several other inheritance to Akwa Ibom State. Since then, up until now, we are feeding only from the crumbs that fall from the table of Akwa Ibom State.

Indeed, yesterday, our State Parliamentarians showed the highest level of capacity and patriotism by refusing to confirm a naturally non-indigenous Cross Riverian as Chief Judge of the Cross River State High Court. They defended the oath they took to always guard the Cross River State interest to the best of their ability.

History will forever be grateful to them even as we will continue to give them the necessary support to do the very job upon which we gave them our mandate.

God Bless CRS House of Assembly!
God Bless Cross River State!!
God Bless Cross Riverians!!!

©Mazi Endurance Onun
A Cross Riverian!

1 Comment

  • This report is very biased, unbalanced and miopic.
    It therefore lacks merit and falls short of international journalistic best practices.

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