It was another wonderful and power filled Friday Service in God’s Arena of Liberty Outreach International as worshippers experienced the out pouring of rain of miracle from God.
The service was awesome, great and overwhelming as Gods Servant Prophet Sunday Obi described it as “extraordinary”which God had used to proof a point to unbelievers who came to see if what they heard about the man of God is true”
The over 200 worshippers could not bear what they saw but went agog with singing and dancing as the Echo International choir entertained them.
The Holy Spirit was at work as he sorted out those with different challenges/afflictions and thereafter pronounced the promises of God to them that “believed and had faith”
Challenges such as “cancer of the breast, untimely deaths and demonic attacks were cast away by the servant through the mercy of God “.
One striking prophesy/revelation went to the newly elected Vice Chancellor of the University of Calabar, Prof. Florence Obi warning her to stand on the path of truth and fear of God, else she might loose the post before the end of her tenure “.
He said “Prof. Obi won the election because she has not soiled her hands. She does not belong to any secret society. God wants to sanitise the University of Calabar from the hands of the wicked ones”.
“You must seek the face of the Lord who gave approval long before the elections through the intercession of prayers of Christians and believers across the country, including God’s Arena of Liberty Outreach “.
He admonished her to be kind to all manners of staff she will meet as the Vice chancellor of the University.
Delivering the “Word” tagged: “Covenant Day of all round fruitfulness ” the youngest minister in the Outreach, Rev. Kingdom Obi, said “a fruitful person is one who is implanted and abiding in Christ, by growing, increasing, abounding, flourishing and reproducing much fruits”.
She said “Jesus Christ desires fruitfulness. God created a world that relies upon the principles of fruitfulness not just for its survival but for its progress”.
Referencing the Holy Bible in Genesis 1:28 “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth”.
In furtherance, she also said “fruitfulness was God’s command to Adam and Noah as recorded in Gen. 1:28 and Gen. 8:20 respectively”.
“Fruitfulness is God’s desire for every disciple You have to replenish the earth and have dominion over all creatures. If you do not have children, it means you are not fruitful in the sight of God”.
According to her, “until we abide in Christ as his disciples, we cannot be fruitful. When you are not connected unto Christ, you will be cast away. Having Jesus in our lives is the only way out of our challenges and afflictions”.
She urged Christians to examine themselves over what might have caused them to disconnect with Christ Jesus and make a u-turn now that there is time.
“As disciples of Jesus, you must be prepared to seek for repentance from God. By so doing, your way to fruitfulness will open, she added”.
“Sins can block our connectivity with God, as a branch of a tree cannot bear fruits. There is time for everything. Wait upon the Lord for your own season of fruitfulness. As you abide in Christ, you must be connected to the vine”. Wait for the appointed time, God will surely visit you”.
Earlier, prayers for open doors for all round fruitfulness and marriages for single ladies were offered by the Prophet of God.
The service ended with prayers to over 20 new members for God to grant them their heart desires, in Jesus Name – Amen.