“And the Lord says now that the battle is over, we are more than Conqueror”.
The Servant of God, Prophet Sunday Obi who was in a very special mood sang and danced with his dear wife to celebrate their 20 years in marriage in the admiration of the congregation. Wao! It was fun, but you missed that special blessing.
And he heard the voice of God, saying “it is over now, and you are more than conqueror”.
According to him, “God is about to transform somebody from “nobody to somebody in today’s Service tagged “The stone that the builder rejected has become the chief corner stone”.
“There must be a change of story in the life of somebody who has come with humility and the mind to receive the blessing and anointing of the Lord”.
He said that many successful men and women today had their initial challenges in life. It is applicable to believers. You have at one point in time or the other been mocked. Have you ever asked God who am i?”.
Worshippers in Friday’s Service
Today, he prophesied, “by His Grace so many of us seated here in this worship shall own companies and give employment to people, but warned we must not soil our hands”.
Psa 118:22 says “The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner”. Jesus Christ, he added, is a typical example in our lives. He was rejected and abandoned. They called Him names. The biggest mistake the devil made was to allow Him to die”.
He continued, “as soon as Jesus died, there was an earthquake. His veil began to tear apart”.
Obi said, “it is not an issue of I am a pastor, but did God call you. Do you have His Grace? “. But here in the Arena, we succeed because we go to the root of the problem and it is solved”.
The story of Joseph in the Bible is still refreshing. He was rejected too but from the interpretation of his dream their eyes were opened.
He declared that as many that worshipped in the service today, their destiny shall not be tampered as God will cause a delay on somebody coming to interpret our dreams and we shall be accepted in Jesus Name Amen “.
The servant of God also told the story of David in the Bible and how he was rejected and abandoned but was rescued by God Himself.
“God, he said, will cause a change and testimonies in our lives only if we give our lives to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior”.
As God directs, the program was gracefully going on with deliverance, healing and prophetic declarations during the ministration as the Arena Echo international choir was delivering the praise and worship songs to ignite the spirit of God into his Prophet as he does what he knows how best to do.
Father Abraham praying for the G/O and the wife as the celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary
Personal and corporate prayers were offered, seeking God’s presence and intervention in our lives as well as change the story of this country Nigeria.
God was really in charge of Friday’s Service. He alone took over early hiccups from the technical crew. We overcome the difficulties and it ended in an awesome manner as their was an overflow.
The highlights of Friday’s Service was the blessing and prayers offered to bless the Prophet and his wife’s marriage by the “Papa” of the Outreach, Father Abraham.
Over five weddings from the outreach is holding in December 2020. This is great and awesome. Key into this God’s blessings and your life shall never be the same again, Amen.