The Word Of God Circumsized Their Hearts And Sets The Captives Free


The word of God has many overwhelming supernatural capacity in the lives of believers because it is the spirit of God in place.

In Eze  2:2 , the Holy Bible states as follows, “And the spirit entered into me when he spake unto me, and set me upon my feet, that I heard him that spake unto me.” “.

It is the spirit of God in us that energizes to do what God commands us to do.

Therefore, the word casts out devils and heals every sickness as recorded in Luke 4:36″

It sets the captives free and if you are bound, it is the word that sets you free, John 1:1-5/9. It also provokes supernatural breakthrough Luke 5:5-8.

It is the wonders in the word that attracts us to the word because God’s word is powerful see Acts 1:8 for confirmation as His word is “yes and Amen “

You need the word to tackle challenges of life irrespective of its dimension and size. For there is no challenge that is above God.

Indeed, it was another spirit packed “Communion Service ” with theme “unveiling the wonders in the word of God”. Oh,  what another interesting and inspiring topic for another Spirit loaded Friday service.  

The weather had changed very early in the morning capable of causing people from leaving their homes for the programme, but behold,  the devil once again was put to shame. 

It started drizzling but by the mention of His name,  Jesus Christ,  every knee bowed including the witches and wizards. The Ministers and workers prayers had neutralised all the plans of the devil and its agents.  Alleluia! 

Still on the subject matter,  the name of the God of Host was called “Jesus”.and He answered as there  was an overflow to the greatest surprise of all as against what normally occurs.  This  is the grace of God at work. His word had started to manifest to confirm his prediction in  God’s Arena of Liberty outreach. 

The service could be described as a supernatural service as half of worshippers were new faces with different challenges. But as it is said “challenges are permitted to win you but shall never be allowed to go back according to the word of God as declared by the Prophet.

Then came the time for the Intercessory prayers  but before the Minister of God Pastor (Mrs). Rita Kelvin mounted the Altar, the Arena Echo international choir set the enter environment  ablaze with praise and worship songs to say thank you to Jesus.  It was powerful,  as the spirit of God engulfed everyone as they danced and rejoiced in the Lord..

Again,  it was a grace filled supernatural intercessory prayer intervention seeking the face of God in all our challenges in life. Said her,  “if you need the wonders of God,  first you must sanctify yourself with the Word of God “.

Intercessory prayers against all forms of problems and challenges in life were offered to God. They include financial stagnation, businesses,  marriages, healing and  career  amongst others , 

“Prayers for signs and wonders of God in our lives and for His continuous grace and protection were also offered to the glory of God”.

The prayer points were backed up with Bible verses Joshua 3:5/Dan.6:27/Duet. 26:8/.Isa 60:10  and Ezekiel 37:10 .

Before now,  the hall was filled as there was an overflow. The special number from the choir was greeted with a standing ovation by the congregation. Several people came out to appreciate God for the Arena Echo international choir.  The Grace of God was at work as usual. 

The General Overseer Prophet Sunday Obi,  had advised worshippers to mindful of their movement as the Pro-democracy activists are planning to protest against the government on June 12..

He spoke against further splitting of innocent peoples blood saying  however,  it is enviable, but at the end,  there shall be a new Nigeria.”
.Obi urged believers to be prayerful to God at all times as “He alone can do what no man can do”.

Painful as it should be,  he spoke briefly about the demise of the servant of God Pastor TB Joshua and condemned all those men of God speaking evil after his death.  

“TB Joshua,  he continued, lived a transparent life as he touched almost all manners of people especially the widows within and outside the country” 

He never sold the word of God and I don’t sell the Word here in God’s Arena of Liberty outreach either. 

A one minute silence was observed in his honour with a prayer to God to grant h a resting place in His Blossom Amen. 

The word tagged “Unveiling the wonders in the word of God” was delivered by the “vibrant, energetic minister of God, Pastor  Udah Okey as he referenced the Holy Bible. 

He gave his teachings from John 6:63-64/Ps:119:18/Jam.1:22-28/John5:30/8:32/Acts3:6-7/ps 89:20-22 and Phil. 2:5-9.

It was a grace filled message.  Without accessing the word and understanding it,  you can never progress spiritually or in the physical.

The blessings of God supernaturally rained as the Prophet began to release them to those that seek for it spiritually. It rained and rained and there was an overflow. 

The spirit, power and the light of God overshadowed the devil as they began to manifest from all directions but as the Prophet laid his hands on them,  the devil fled and set the captives free. 

There was deliverance,  healing and prophetic declarations in abundance. 

The Prophet and General Overseer also during the service announced  Officer Omini Eno as the new choir master to the glory of God. 

The service also offered many the opportunity to be partakers of the communion as the Lord has declared that God’s Arena of Liberty outreach will soon be launched into another level soonest.  The word of God shall never returned void.  Amen.  Isa  55:11 “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it”.

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