The atmosphere was charged as the Holy Spirit took over the entire God’s Arena Of Library at Fridays service.
There were signs of the presence of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ as the congregation joyfully danced to the melody rendered by the Arena Echo International Choir to begin the service proper.
They danced and praised His holy Name, because there is none like Jesus.
The Servant of God Prophet Sunday Obi, could not bear the beautiful melodies and praises from his corner but joyfully as ever before joined the dancing floor to give Thanksgiving to God our Creator.
This segment of the service was spirituality colourful for spiritual minds. The Angels confirmed this as they joined in the praise and worship.
Half of the opening prayers session today was all praises and Thanksgiving. Glory be to God for his grace and wisdom upon the lives of believers.
Came the Intercessory prayer session as rendered by the ebullient and charismatic minister of God, Pastor Thompson Ubong with the theme: “At the sound of the trumpet, where will you be”.
Singing “I rest in your hands, Oh Lord, I rest in your hands, you are my salvation, I rest in your hands”, the minister quotes”1Cor 15:52-58 to begin his prayer points, “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
“Oh Lord, my Maker, I need your grace and strength to do your will, help me to abide in your vineyard as a chorister, minister, pastor, steward and as a General Overseer, Oh Lord connect my body, soul and spirit as all belongs to God”accordingly as recorded in Jam. 1:21 Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls, the Minister of God, prayed God to purge our soul and body with his precious blood.”
Ubong prayed against unholy things that could us from making heaven,such as formication, hatred, malice and blackmail. He prayed also against seducing spirit, demonic spirit and every spirit from the kingdom of hell.
He prayed that the Holy Spirit should totally tale over our lives so as not to fall in the race of making heaven for we do not know when and the hour Our Lord Jesus Christ will come, hence, our preparedness through being “righteous and holy”.
He gave Thanksgiving to God for granting us His grace and wisdom through his word which we have heard today.
You can read the following Bible verses. 1Cor. 15:52-58/Roms.12:1/Gal.6:9/1Tim.4:1 and Col.3:16 accordingly.
The Prophet in the House, had introduced one of the digital growing Minister of God, Pst. Mrs. Rita Kelvin to the pulpit to present the Word as directed by the Holy Spirit and she made good use of the twenty minutes allocated to her to pieces the Word as it were to the glory of God. Alleluia!
Soft spoken but very powerful, she started from 1.Cor.15;57 to deliver her message to believers at the service.
” Jesus is coming. Can I be in the congregation and not be among those will go with him because of my sin”. My brother, my sister, you don’t know when He is coming “. Have a change of mind and drop those sin that will not make you receive Jesus Christ”.
She told the story of the 10 virgins from the Bible and admonished believers to be wise to take the right step and decision that will affect our spiritual lives positively.
Therefore, she said, ” may we be wise as believers, be wise as the five virgins. Believers why should we be tired, she queried. He is coming and is near. Which university are you heading to “that of hell” or of Heaven?” He is coming in glory and no one knows when. No eyes shall see Him.
“The trumpet shall sound and the dead shall rise again. Where will you be. In the club?. In the hotel, cultism, kidnapping group name them. As a minister, mother, steward , where will you be?. Gossiping, keeping malice. Where will you be?
” Jesus is coming very soon. We got to be watchful and prepared for he is coming. Even the Angels do not know when he will come. Men and youths, be prepared he is coming. You got to be ready Jesus is coming very soon”
If you don’t hear the word of God or read the word, then something is wrong. Jesus is coming. Is my life pleasing God, Jesus is coming. Wives submit, obey and respect tour husband, husband stop beating your wives, because Jesus is coming”.
” May I not sing and work in his vineyard and go to hell. Jesus is coming. Are you ready for his coming? Can we continue to leave in sin. I came with the message. How prepared are you?. He is standing in your doorsteps.”.
“When you come to take your people, remember me Oh Lord, when you come to take your people remember me Oh Lord, Oh Lord.” Song.
“He is coming back again, my Lord is coming back again. A great day is coming. Jesus Christ Our Lord with his Angeles will come and he is coming in glory, all should see him, Alleluia! Amen!.
Read Matt.25:115/1Cort.15:52/Matt.25:14-30/1thes.52 and 2Pt.3:10 to support this message.
Spiritually, the great Servant of God, Prophet Sunday Obi, who loves praise and worship, sang ” after preaching Christ to the world and I fall to do His will, oh woe is me to suffer a big shame”.
“Life is all about your relationship with God. There is nothing like my church in Heaven. How cordial is your relationship with God?
He cited Sol 8:8-9 “We have a little sister, and she hath no breasts: what shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for?
Obi said that ” breast” in a woman is her beauty. In believers, it signifies righteousness and holiness. It connects us to God. If you as a believer has no breast we are deceiving ourselves”.
“God is all knowing. He sees all what we are doing at all intervals. Hell fire is real. If Christ comes today, where will you be? Christianity without righteousness and holiness is fake.”
Ending his message, the Servant of God sang the song which says “He will never let you down, the man of the world will let you down, but Jesus will never let you down”.
There was “feet washing” during the service as well as anointing, healing and prophetic declaration in the lives of believers.
Women’s Summit comes up 31st. October, 2021, I love my Pastor, 12th of November, 2021,Last Tarry Night of the year 26th November 2021while the first Friday in the month is kept aside for visitation to orphanage homes with mandatory #1000 offering.
Testimonies rained as usual. To crown it all, the Prophet testified to the glory of God for reuniting the family with his son. It was a joyful moment to the family and the Arena families.