Heartfelt Thanksgiving Offering Opened Doors Of Blessings And Break Their  Ancestral  Altars


The gate leading to God’s Arena of Liberty outreach (aka) “Enough is enough”, was shut down for the Chrismas season,  but the glory and blessings of God remained with believers as they joyfully wind up the last Service for the year 2021, penultimate Friday 17th,  December. The Holy Spirit  Holy was in charge all through the duration of the “uncommon”.service. 

It was a complete package comprising the entire “Fruit of the Holy Spirit”. There was “joy,  meekness, obedience,  love, peace and forgiveness among the people of God.  The spirit of oneness amongst the ministers and choiresters manifested. You could see the servant of God, Prophet Sunday Obi from a distance radiating in joy and happiness because the people where fully prepared to do “His Will”.as prophesied. 

The entire premises was jam packed with the presence of the Omnipotent,  Omnipresence,  the Lord of Lords and King of Kings,  Jesus Christ. The angels too were strategically mounted round the environment waiting to destroy any unwanted element as the service was going on. 

The service  had started with Thanksgiving prayers all through as conducted by the Mother of the Ministry,  Pastor Mrs.  Sarah Abraham. She went down the Memory Lane,  from January to December,  counting effortlessly the blessings, testimonies, healing and deliverances that had come our ways thus far.  This cannot be quantified,  hence the need to glorlfy His Holy Name.

He is the “Righteous and Holy One. He rules the Heaven and Earth.  There is nothing  too difficult for Him to do. His word has never returned void. Great is thy Holiness.  Alleluhia!

Prayer points were offered for our families, country, churches,  villages,  marriages , employment,  health,  children amongst others.

The congregation also prayed for more grace on the servant of God, his ministry and family  for sustenance of grace of God in his life. 

Prayers were offered thanking God for preserving our lives from January to December.  For providing for His people.  For healing and defending His people.  He is a faithful God.

They sang and praised God with praise and worship songs giving Him Thanksgiving and reverence at intervals  

The intercessory prayers was anchored by the ever ready gifted man of God, Pastor Thompson Ubong who took the congregation through Bible verses to support the prayers. Job 5:12/Isa. 44:25.and Ps  91:1- down “

He prayed against any ancestral  evil spirit, council of the wicked, against any form of curses, against any enchantment in our lives and against any evil trail  in our lives among others.

As joyful  as ever before, Prophet Sunday Obi,, majestically walked out from his sitting position wishing the people Merry Xmas  as directed by his Master Jesus… 

He said “today is filled with “bottom pot” blessings from God.  We are going to praise, dance and worship Him like never before. He has done that which no man can do.  He is the Able God of our generation.” 

He said “from January – December, Arena did not loose any of our members. God has been faithful. This is not a prayer house. There is something significant in this place and that is the presence of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. There is grace in this place.”.

Thereafter,  humbly invited the guest speaker to the pulpit to present the Word with the theme. “Destroying the Altar of Ancestral Inheritance” . Ministering was Pastor Omini Ojah (ACA). 

Speaking,  he took the congregation  to  Deut.  12:1-3. as key text and attempted to describe an Altar,  Ancestral as well as inheritance”.

An altar is not only a place or physical object used for religious or occult practices  but also an invisible gateway used by forces of darkness to access people’s lives by demonic means. Inheritance is owing something from parents to their children and to their children’s children 

An Altar is an evil active place in a family bloodline up to 3rd and 4th generations which affects them negatively. ..See the Bible in Exo. 34:7 

The could be poverty, lack of graduates,  getting married, incessant divorces,  premature deaths and various forms of diseases” .

Others are,  constant deaths in a family,  barrenness, witchcraft, demonic oppression, drug addiction and joblessness or I literacy

“Ge  1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”

He said Altars can be destroyed by engaging in consistent prayers, engaging in prophetic decrees and declarations and engaging in prophetic  intervention  of a Prophet of God. For further study read thw following Bible verses.1Thes 5:17/Eph.6:12/Matt.11:12/prov.18:21/John 6:63/Hosea12:13″.

“Seek the timely intervention of a Prophet of God to destroy that ancestral  altar and then watch dominion coupled with all round breakthrough  become inevitable in your life, in the Name of Jesus”, he admonished believers .

The Prophet threw more light on the theme as he quoted few Bible verses to confirm His word. These are G 26:7-10/21:19″19/31:31-35 amongst others”.

He prayed against all forms of ancestral curses and inheritance in our families and homes..
 There was blood sprinkling amongst the congregatipn. The Servant of God performed the prayers as worshippers dropped their heartfelt thanksgiving offerings after seeking their hearts desires from the,Almighty God

He made several prophetic declarations in their lives before releasing blessings.

“All that starts well, sends well because the is the hand of God in it always. The service started well  and ended “uncommon”.blessings” 

Merry Xmas and happy New year 2022 as we meet on January 7th, with love and peace of God.


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