Friday, February 11th, 2022 Communion Service at God’s Arena Of Liberty aka “Enough is Enough” tagged “The Transforming Power of God” was an awesome and revealing experience.
The Word of God is truth. It is life and light. It has never failed and has never returned void.
The Word is like a supplement in our lives. It energies us to be battle ready to fight the devil or demons. It is our strength for those who believed. It is truth and nothing less.
It makes a way, where there is no way. It gives hope to the hopeless. It is a pathfinder in our lives. No wonder then that the Thessalonians held firm onto to the Word of God.

Hear them say “1Th 2:13 For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.”
They were giving thanks to God without ceasing because they received the Word not as men, but in truth as it were.
The transforming power of God might not be physical but spiritual. So, as the Word is truth, you are bound as a believer to believe what God says because, the Word is God and cannot lie.
The service was another spiritual experience for those who can see. God himself was ably manifest and He never departed from His people. He showed and proved that He is Able God as they heard His Word. And He transformed them with His power.
The the spiritual and divine power transformational power of God, came through the Intercessory prayer points as rendered by the Woman of Virtue, Pst.(Mrs.) Rita Kelvin. She raised the prayer points from Roms.12:2/Jn.11:17/Jam.17:34 to buttress her presentation.
She prayed for all round transformation in our lives, Bussines, marriages, career, as well as physical and spiritual lives.
Kelvin also raised prayer points against our finances, children, households, bareness, sicknesses and above all our spiritual lives.
“Oh Lord God, open our spiritual eyes to see the plans of our enemies against us. Cast out every negative power operating in our lives, break foundational yokes in our lives, commanded the altar speaking against us to be broken in Jesus Name Amen.
” Today, having heard the word of God, your transformation has come. God’s transformational power has wiped away your sorrows, sicknesses, problems and has added joy and laughter into your lives, Alleluia!.

Prophet Sunday Obi, ever ready to do His Masters’ bidding, swung into praise and worship songs as he danced towards the Arena Echo International Choir. Thereafter, he introduced the guest speaker, the Digital man of God, Pst. Udah Okey, to present the Word.
And he begins by saying “something is wrong somewhere, if the Word of God does not transform someone after hearing it. If you are a child of God and you are not transformed with the Word, basically something has gone wrong”.
He says, “the word of God is like water that drops in your hands. “John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”.
“It is only one thing that can give you connection, that is the Word of God”. Read, “Rom 1:16-17 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek”.
“The word of God can change your life. The word is powerful. It changes life and situation”.
“If you call yourself Pastor or man of God and you are practicing evil, the Word of God will expose you. It is all about the faith and not about the multitude. God will curse him/her that plays with the word”.
“The Word of God is complete. Every word God has spoken concerning you, you are the one delaying it. You must receive the word as the Word of God and not as a man’, Okey says”.
He went to say, “that the word can only work in your lives if only you believe. Every other thing shall pass away, but the Word of God will not. No matter what you are passing through, be firm and trust in Him. The word is complete and it is truth. The word of God is the foundation for transformation”.
The word, he says, can transform your way of thinking. What is your mind set about God. Let the word renew you spiritually. Believe and trust the word as it is the foundation for transformation in our lives.
For further study read: ROM1:16-17/Heb:4:12-13/The 2:13/Jn.17:17/RM:12:2/Lk.8:26-39 and Heb.12;4-13 respectively.

The Servant of God, Prophet Sunday Obi, after the Word attempted to throw more light on the subject matter, but the spirit of God says otherwise and he burst into songs “what manner Man is Jesus Alleluia” on and on as healing, deliverance and prophetic messages manifested through the transforming power of God on many that heard and believed His Word.
He says, what God wants from you is open heart. When you do that, there is going to be a transformation in your lives today. An encounter with Christ with open heart, will transform you.
He told the story of Jacob in the Bible G. 32:22-29. He was a liar and a deceiver. Some of us here are like Jacob and prayed that the spirit of Jacob in us should die
Today, he says “somebody must be transformed from Jacob to Isreal and there will be a new song that will bring tears. That is Divine transformation from God.
Our Daddy in the Lord, offered several powerful corporate prayers, on the need for God to transform us all roundly with His Divine blessing.
He prayed for grace, open doors, favour from God, change of status, give us a new name and that we shall not go back the same we came today.
The transforming power of God was real during the Communion service. It was indeed very rewarding to serve the Lord as there were testimonies upon testimonies.
Good News! Good News!! The first Tarry Night of the year is coming up March 25th, 2022 at same venue.
The Servant of God’s birthday which is on the 12th,2022, shall be marked officially on 18th, 2022. Come with a gift and be part of it. God bless you.