It was a colourful celebration. The entire Arena was painted white, starting from the celebrant, his wife, choir, ministers as well as the congregation glittering. Joyful and indeed a well deserved celebration as the General Overseer of God’s Arena of Liberty aka “Enough is Enough”, the Major 1 and Ekwueme of Africa, Prophet Sunday Enu Obi, marked and celebrated his 55th birthday.
Actually, the real date for the celebration was February 12, 2022, but because of the love the General Overseer has for the entire commission, he decided to shift it till the 18th day of February to accommodate all.
From a distance, you could see light, joy and happiness radiating around the Chief Celebrant, and his wife. It is a worthwhile celebration as it was time to harvest because the Prophet had sowed bountifully in the sight of His Master Jesus Christ. A new dawn in his life has begun.
The theme of the service is “God’s word on Harvest”. It could be interesting to ask what did God say about harvest? Hear God speaking His Word. Isa 1:19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:” And God’s Word is final. Because the Prophet is willing and obedient, he shall eat the good of the land, Amen!.
Prophet Sunday Obi had prophesied that the celebration is going to be an amazing day. A day different from every other days. And it came to pass as he begun to release blessing and give gifts to people as he celebrates. Today’s service is fun, fantastic and joyful to the glory of God.
He burst into a song “Oh how I love Jesus” as he danced and got entangled with the Holy Spirit.
First to benefit from the too many prophesies was an Inspector of Police from Yala, then another and another etc.
Delivering the Word, he says that everyone of us are working towards a harvest in our lives, but how did you begin your journey. Did you begin with a quality sowing of seed”? Some of us have never harvested in life because we did not sow a good seed. Lack of harvesting, could be no jobs, no marriage, poverty, no children and name them.

Today’s harvest is for those who have sown quality seeds waiting for harvest. Harvest is a thing of joy. If you plant and doesn’t believe in Jesus Christ, you will not harvest. You must notice his presence in time. There is nothing He cannot do. That which all hopes are lost, He will restore. The word of God is powerful to make you harvest. It has its process. It is natural. It comes with joy and has the good and the bad. Whatever a man’ sowth, so shall he reap. If you sow good you reap good. There is a season for planting and a season for harvest.
As a child of God, you are bound to hear and accept the word of God as truth and light. His blessing shall come at His own time and not when man wants it. If you have sown, you need to wait upon the Lord to fulfill his promises.Mat 9:37-38 Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few”.
He says, “the harvest is ripe, who is there to harvest?. Look for units in the church and join. There is a great reward in serving God. What kind of harvest are you harvesting?. Read Jer.33:20-21and Ge.8:22.
Our God is a covenant keeping God. You need to be in an agreement with the word of God. Say what God says. Keep to his covenant and He will do His own side of the agreement. That is God for you. When God remembers you, your door is opened and a new dawn is near. ” Angels are singing you are worthy Oh lord”.
As a child of God what are you planting. Do you believe in God. Are you against someone’s success?. God is ever ready to turn around your captivity and transform you in the service to God. Good seed produces good harvest. If you sow bountifully, you reap bountifully too. Read Gal.6:7-9/PS.1:1-3 respectively.
He released several gifts from God to the people to crown the ceremony. Sowing seeds opens doors. It draws one near to God.
Earlier, Pastor Thompson Ubong, had diligently delivered the Intercessory prayers during the service. He took his prayer points from Isa.1:19/20:10:1/ps126:6/Isa.42:22 and Jer.22:29.
He prayed for restoration of stolen destines, joy, happiness, marriages, financial breakthrough and above all spirit upliftment. He also prayed for wisdom to function, among others.

The General Overseer had offered corporate prayers during the service saying “my set time has come, Lord teach me how to sow so as to harvest bountifully, Lord I desire my own open doors and Lord should let the Holy Spirit to locate me now, now as he asked the congregation to shout Jesus seven times, and Holy Spirit manifested as they began to fall in different directions.
The ministers of God however prayed for more grace upon the life of Prophet Sunday Obi.
Earlier, the Father of the Commission, Papa Abraham had prayed for the cake before it was served.
There was healing, abundant release of gift from the Servant of God. There was joy in the house of God as they celebrated with their General Overseer. New and first timers were welcomed.
The first tarry night comes up March 24th, 2022. You are welcome.