The theme of Friday’s service “Changing the Narrative” was very apt, timely and significant so to say. The testimonies were too many. The radiating faces were just wonderful and it was made manifest during the altar call by the Guest Speaker shortly after presenting the Word.
The God of Arena was manifest after His people heard the Word from the Minister of God, Pst. Jacinta Innocent. After hearing the word, the people were ready to change their narrative towards the things of God and christiandom
Behold, as she made the altar call, usually it is only few persons that will willingly come out to give their lives to Christ, but guess what, out of over 200 persons in attendance, only four stayed behind. This was a great revealation that the Word was heard and we’ll received.
Frankly speaking, this is the first time this”miracle” of God is happening this way. That was the beginning of the change of narrative in their lives.
Who did this. It is through the wisdom of God. His word sang into their hearts and they believed in the Word as the Truth and the Light. It was a moment of changing the Narrative in serving their God. A very difficult decision to make. It was priceless indeed for believers to take such wise decision. Glory be to God – Amen.

The theme was rich, great and spiritual. It arosed so many touchy aspects in our lives as christians and says the Word of God if properly harnessed is the key to greatness in life. There is no other source of joy, happiness, peace, love and spiritual growth than knowing the Word. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and every other things shall be added into you”,
And so it started with the Intercessory prayers anchored by the Digital man of God, Pst. Udah Okey, quoting Jer. 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”
He raised so many important prayer points in our lives asking God to change our situations, our mind sets, deliver us from being used against the church, connect me with your spirit, and Jesus is ready to change our lives today, if only we believe in Him.
Pastor Okey also prayed for breakthrough in our lives, joy, happiness. God is the story and situation changer as recorded in John 5:1-5 ,
“Today he prayed maybe your turn for situations to turn around. This is the season. That challenge today is gone because this is your season. Somebody shout a loud Amen!!.
“God is willing to change you, if only you are ready. Isa,43:19/2Chr.7:14. Father, let there be a new beginning, transformation, and new dawn in our lives. Father, I confess my sins today, forgive me, give me a Christ like life”, he further prayed.”
The Prophet in the house and General Overseer of God’s Arena of Liberty aka “Enough is Enough”, Prophet Sunday Obi, had announced that it is about to rain, the glory and blessings of God.
The life you have been living can change your narrative. Let today not pass you bye without been blessed.

He used the opportunity to usher to the pulpit, Barr. (Pst) Jacinta Innocent, who carefully presented the Word which caused many to give their lives to Christ during the service.
“That “Altar Call” was with a difference. It was unusual, uncommon and divine. We give God the glory. He did it himself and not man. They changed their narrative and decided to receive, follow Christ as their Lord and savior.”
First, as a child of God, you must understand why you need a change. You must understand the nature of God, His ways and manner you will remain where you where.
“If you can not change the situation in your family, brother, sister, you cannot change it in the church either. You must search for God’s wisdom to change your narrative. Enquire of the Word through prayers. You need wisdom to over take satan. Wisdom is the key and pattern to win God’s favour,”
The wisdom of God can change your narrative to serve Him better.
Ways of changing the narrative include, prayer/fasting, (Acts 4:31/Isa,:58:1-4, we must be reachable and be open to new things, be open to corrections (Ecc.7:9). By covenant and not by convenience (ps.89:34-36,Zach.9:11) and repentance and change in your ways of life (Gal 3:1-6/Rom: 15-4).
Taking over from where she stopped, the General Overseer, Obi says it is great and good to appreciate God always. And until you are ready to change your narrative, you will remain where you are.
“Pride goes before the fall. So change your narrative when there is time. He could not preach further but was led by the Holy Spirit of God to commence deliverance, healing and prophesis upon the congregation.

He gave the following Bible verses Deut.30:19/Rom.12:2 and Eph.4;8 for further studies..
Prophet Obi thereafter offered corporate prayers for God to change our narrative in marriage, career, business and above all in our spiritual lives.
The service ended up in praise and worship as the Arena Echo international choir was handy and ready to deliver anytime any day. Just put up a call and it is done.
The devil was put to same as many got their healing, deliverance and prophesis right there.
There was an over flow and the grace of God was in abundance
Remember, the first “Tarry Night’ comes up on March 25th, 2022 at No.11 Otu Ansa street, Calabar, opposite Margaret Ekpo International airport. Come one, come all. Remember to visit our Facebook page, like and comment on our page. God bless you. Shalom!