Bakassi Council Revokes All Revenue Contracts


Bakassi Local Government Council has revoked its contractual agreement with all revenue contractors in the area with immediate effect

The decision was taken during its first executive council meeting in the legislative chamber chaired by the council Chairman, Hon Iyadim Amboni Iyadim

Accordingly, council’s staff in charge of revenue have been directed to take over revenue collection at all revenue points in the area for three months until modalities are put in place to match the change

Investigation reveals that revenue accrued from points are either poorly remitted to the council or not remitted at all

The effort of the council, however, is seen as an attempt to streamline everything about revenue collection in Bakassi LGA before reawarding or awarding new contracts

This step taken by the council is aimed at improving its Internally Generated Revenue IGR to enable it catch up with envisaged people oriented projects and programs to impact positively on the lives of the people of Bakassi Local Government Area

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