The Bible as the book of wisdom is life and those who study the “Word” and put them into practice shall never lack nor be troubled. This is the word of God and it has never and shall never fail those who rely on it.
No wonder, the theme of the Thanksgiving Service to end the year 2020 on Friday tagged “The Power In The Spoken Word”, was aptly chosen.
It must surely come to pass. Gone were the days when God spoke to His people directly, but today, He is using His Prophets to speak to them.
Ministering the Word, the General Overseer of God’s Arena of Liberty outreach “aka” Enough is Enough, Prophet Sunday Obi said “that there is power in the word”. When you speak, stand by it as our Lord Jesus Christ did. He cast out demons and cause the storm to be still”.
“So many people are asking God why should they be faced with challenges in life. This is not correct. Most things happen to us because God wants to test our faith as well as see how we appreciate Him”.
“God blesses those who know how to appreciate Him, even with the little they have and He is ready to do more because you will appreciate Him the more, he said “.
“There is a great potential that God put in man. The animals are afraid of man because we are a small God before them. It is the extraordinary grace in man that makes Satan to be afraid, he noted”.
The Holy Bible In Proverb “18:21 says “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof”.
He said “if your heart is keyed in today’s theme, every plan of the devil will be scattered. There shall be no pains, no cry and, no suffering”.
John 1:1 says “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”.
Obi said, “man is suffering today because we are lazy spiritually. I am not afraid of Satan. He will expire today in your finances, career and marriages. Today, every dryness in your life, there is going to be a reversal. There shall be job opportunities in 2021. There shall be marriages and fruit of the womb”.
“John 5:8 Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk”.
He decreed that “every difficult in the lives of believers must walk out today after the Spoken word in Jesus name Amen”.
Rev.(Mrs) Rita Kelvin
The Prophet prophesied against the spirit of backwardness, sadness, anger, rejection, witches and wizards among the congregation.
He prayed for restoration of destines, and change of story in the lives of worshippers.
As usual, while carrying out healing and deliverance, he prayed “God to deliver us from the use of evil words in our mouth. Oh Lord God, I need a change in my life. Speak to my life. Oh Lord God, I desire a testimony in my life and I need a miracle in my life”.
Instantly, the spoken word gave them healing and deliverance as he wrapped up his sermon with Psa 119:1 “Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the LORD”.
The service was awesome and extraordinary as the spoken word transformed the lives of many that came, witnessed and believed.
The Servant of God used the opportunity to give Thanksgiving to God for moving the ministry to greater height. He prayed for God’s grace amongst the ministers and workers as we jointly enter into 2021, the year of total transformation.
The Outreach will celebrate its third anniversary in January 8th, 2021.
The year 2020 recorded a total of four weddings showing the grace of God in God’s Arena of Liberty.
The Arena Echo international choir provided praises and worship during the service.
He later released the final blessings from God to worshippers who in turn received with joy and open heart.