” Psalm 23:6 reads as follows, Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever”.
God prophesied through his servant Prophet Sunday Obi last week on the issue of mercy and this week He emphasised on the need for mercy upon His people again which makes Him a loving caring Father. And ‘alas’, He granted unconditionally to as many that cried before His Throne abundant mercies at the end of the month Thanksgiving Service”.
All the prophetic declarations were towards mercy of God on them and He was there to wipe out their tears as Obi gave out “mantles” to depict God’s special mercy upon His people.
Prophet Sunday Obi delivering the Word.
The end of the month Thanksgiving service tagged “Covenant Day of Business and Career Breakthrough” in God’s Arena of Liberty, took a different dimension as the servant of God combined the, “Word” and ministration as the Holy Spirit directed.
Always moved by praise and worship songs, Obi burst out singing “what shall I give in exchange of my soul”.
“As a christian, what shall we offer in exchange with our souls, if Jesus Christ come by surprise. Is it fornication, adultery, malice, hatred, unbelief and gossip? Rather, he said, the answer is to righteous. Our spiritual lives is what will make a way for us to eternity. Where will you spend your eternity assuming Christ comes now”?.
Rather, he admonished us to learn how to forgive one another as unforgiveness leads to hell fire.
As usual, as the spirit of love and forgiveness radiates in his face as he ministers the word, he began to sing “after I preach Christ to the world and I fail to do His Will, Oh woe to me, what a big shame”.
Filled with Holy Spirit, he prophesised that “America is a failed Empire. It is going to fall like Babylon in the Holy Bible. It has lost its greatness. Watch and see the emerging scenario in the future”.
Emphasising on the theme of the day, he described “Covenant as an agreement between man and God. Before God has an agreement with you, you must be a serious person who will stick to it else, you can never succeed in your business or career.
Obi in action during ministration
In Christianity, he said, “there are people who are like middle swimmers, who cannot swim farther to the bottom of the sea, showing that something is wrong with their businesses or career”.
He quoted “Ge 2:15 And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it and John 15:20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also to buttress his teaching “.
Deligence and righteousness to God creates as open door. He decreed God’s Covenant in our lives at the Service. According to him, “Adam was not a lazy man but unfortunately today, the greatest undoing of man is laziness. It brings man backward. However, he decreed open doors in our business and career”.
He said “when you trust In Jesus Christ, your ways, business, job opportunity, and contracts will open. You must live the exemplary life of Jesus”.
Arena Echo Choir International.
Outlining hindrances in our career, he said, until we purge ourselves of our sins and pay great obedience to God, the doors shall remain shut. Sin begets sin. It is a reproach. It kills untimely. Samson died because of sin. Our business sometimes collapses because we live in sin. But once you keep sin off your life, God will always surprise you”.
He condemned some Christians who do not see reason to give tithe or special offering.
Also, he referenced Prv 16:18 “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall”.
“Labour without God is in vain. Pride is very dangerous in our life. It can make you become nothing before men. Envy also brings down your business or career but when you run and hide yourself in Jesus Christ, you are certainly on top, he said”.
He said “salvation, tithing and humility are keys to unlock your business and career challenges “.
Under corporate prayers, he cried to God to have mercy upon His Children and cause dramatic and spiritual changes in their lives.
He called on God to come and wipe away our tears and fill our hearts with joy as he decreed abundant blessings upon the congregation.
The atmosphere was charged with the presence of the Holy Spirit. Many got their instant blessings through anointing and deliverance.
Arena Echo Choir International was on hand to render praise and worship songs to the admiration of the congregation.
Most importantly, there was an overflow during the service. Keep a date at No. 11 Otu Ansa Street, after Immigration services, opposite Margaret Ekpo international Airport on Friday 6th, February, 2021. God bless you as come.