The Word Of God has never failed nor disappointed any one who trust in Him. No wonder He says in “Nahum 1:7 The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.”
John gospel in chapter 1:1 says ” In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
In human history no one has disputed this scripture and will never till the end of the world. Even the scientists know this because their knowledge of inventions are from God
This is what transpires in God’s Arena of Liberty outreach (aka) “Enough is Enough”.every Fridays programme as the teachings of the Word are purely the word from God Himself. What He says is what He will do”.He is not a man. He does what no man can do “.
Fridays service tagged “The Storm Is Over”.was indeed awesome as there were testimonies upon testimonies as the Servant of God Prophet Sunday Obi made several prophetic declarations in the congregation to the glory of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit “.Amen!
Before now, the angels of God had taken over the whole Arena premises through the intercessory prayer session conducted by Pastor Udah Okey
Pastor Okey had described storm as any kind of affliction holding the people of God hostage or in bondage.
He prayed that every closed doors for believers in whatever area of challenges be broken in Jesus Name Amen.
Also he prayed for breakthrough in marriages, finances, career and any other storm standing on our ways.
“The strength of the poor and the needy is God. Every negative noise in our lives will die today in Jesus Name. God will restore our destiny. If God answered Moses, David and Ruth in the Bible, He will also answer us in Jesus Name Amen.
He said “as long as you invite God to your storm He will surely answer you because he knows those that trust in Him “.
The prayer points were raised from PS. 107:28-31/isa 25:4-5/Job 38-1 and PS. 55:1.
Moved by the spirit of God, Prophet Sunday Obi humbly as usual ushered into the Pulpit, a seasoned minister of God, Pastor Thompson Ubong to present the Word.
Ubong described storm as a battle that every believer faces in life. It comes in different forms
That storm that met Jesus and his disciples was demonic trying to test His faith but Jesus never gave it any opportunity rather immediately rebuked and bind it. Challenges must come but do you have the capacity to fight back? The Word of God is the strength of a believer. Alleluia!.
As a believer, you must be strong spiritually to overcome storms in your life.. The devil does not sleep and you must be awake armed with the word of God.
In the journey of life, there must be challenges . After deliverance the devil will come back to try your faith again. The word of God should be your guide, strength and shield always.
Be positive. Say I shall not die and will never be sick and it shall come to pass. The devil is not happy when he hears such proclamations from you. He flees on hearing positive words which are the spoken word of God.
He turned the word into serious prayer session as he called on God to restore all what the devil has stolen from us.
Said he, “Oh Lord God, we seek your face to overcome whatever storms in our lives and make us to embrace your ways always”.
Ubong read the following Bible verses as he spoke the Word of God. Lk 8:23/Eph.6:11-17’Exd.14:13/Iaa.59:19 and 2nd Tim. 1:7.
Others are PS. 107:29/John 16:33/Job5:12 and Isa. 44:25.
The ever ready Arena Echo choir international ushered in the Prophet in the house with this powerful song “the storm must be over when raise up my hands.” He sang and danced to the glory of God his master and began to sort them out and prophesied into their lives.
As usual, the Spirit was high and the angels took charge as storms begin to manifest in those that never knew the power of God. The anointing flowed from different directions and the congregation received in abundance.
It was a great service indeed as those who had earlier testified gave thanks to God for turning around their lives.
There was a loud ovation as the Prophet reminded the congregation of the Tarry Night fixed for August 20th, 2021 starting from 8.30 till dawn.
First timers were welcomed in their numbers to Goals Arena of Liberty outreach at No. 11 Otu Ansa street calabar municipality.