CRS:Teachers Develop Plan For School Health Clubs After 3-Day USAID/ BA-N Migeria Workshop


Following the successful training workshop for teachers in Cross River state basically from Calabar South and Akamkpa local government areas, they have  all agreed to set up health clubs in their various secondary schools on return.

They had during the workshop tagged “3-day training of teachers” to develop plan for school health clubs in all secondary schools in Cross River state.

They also pledged their commitment to ensure that the health clubs would not die a natural death after their establishment.

Also di scussed during the workshop include,building a positive self esteem,personal hygiene, goals setting, time management as well as Malaria and Tuberculosis

The 3-day training is  on Social and Behavior Change as a means of eradicating malaria in our society. from September 20-22 holding at Adsuit hotels, Calabar.

The workshop was going on at the same time in Akamkpa and in Calabar south local government areas.

The workshop was declared open by Dr. Kennedy Orazulike, BA-N Nigeria coordinator for Cross River state.

Earlier, the Cross River state Program Manager, Malaria in the Ministry of Health, Dr. Asuquo Ekwe, said the training was organised to take the awareness of social and behavior change down to our secondary schools where we are more of the adolescents.

It also seek to create a positive intervention in the way and manner the issue of malaria is perceived in our schools and homes.

He said that there are about 1300 health facilities in Cross River state where people can easily access good medical treatment as far as malaria is concerned.

The highlight of the workshop was the distribution of a”Rolling Back Malaria teachers’ Toolkit for social and behavior change was handed over to each participating teacher as a guide.,

Earlier participants had appreciated USAID and BA-N Nigeria for organising the workshop.

Pictures shows teachers in groups working very hard to come out with a development plan for school health clubs across all secondary schools in Cross River.

Below shows Dr. Kennedy Orazulike, Cross Rover state Coordinator for BA-N Nigeria.

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