The first Tarry Night of the year in God’s Arena of Liberty, aka “Enough is Enough” tagged “Pulling Down and Destroying Demonic Strongholds” has cone and gone with lots of healing, signs and wonders. Were you there? Excuses everywhere because it rained. Who told you. Do not joke with things of the Lord, says the Prophet. Give attention and priority to the things of the Lord so that you will be a partaker of His blessing. For you do not know when and hour Our Lord will release His abundant “blessing and gifts”.
This was what happened on Friday’s Tarry Night. It was a superlative experience and encounter with Jesus Christ. His manifest presence was magnificent and magnified to the eyes of believers.
Yes, it was another opportunity gone and which may not repeat itself again. Oh! What a stronghold? Doubt, laziness, on serious minds on the part of believers. You have caused yourself the problem because you refused to handle the stronghold yourself by altering the Word of God.

Oh my God. It was really an “Uncommon and Unlimited” Tarry Night. Hear Him say inEph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”.
These are the demonic strongholds which we must strive always to break by speaking the Word of God. Speaking and putting the Word into practice keeps the devil to a distance. He can never come close to you when he knows that you know the Word of God and that you can speak at any point in time.
Did you know that demons or devils are lazy types? Thank God the guest speaker will dwell more on this issue.
Earlier, the Father of the Commission, Papa Abraham had during the Intercessory prayers dwelt on the need to work on our minds as the biggest stronghold in our lives.
He talked about the physical and spiritual strongholds. It has a base where they operate from. The are called shrine or altar. It might be a plaza, beach, precious mineral deposits that is where demons dwell or leave because there is treasure there.
This is the nature of demons. They go for treasures and bright destines, seeking to devour them. Demons have no dwelling place. They roam front and back looking for victims who cannot help themselves out by saying what God says

The devil is always after our minds, but the Word of God delivers us.
Based on the above understanding of stronghold, he offered several intercessory prayer points on, “oh Lord God, tonight, I affirm that I have received Jesus as my Lord and Saviour in Jesus Name , Amen, oh Lord God, I am a sinner before thee, I confess my sins and ask for forgiveness, Oh Lord God, whatever the devil has planted in me to destroy my life, I cast them out in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
” Oh Lord God, by speaking the word, I decree against any imagination by the blood of Jesus that wants to destroy the stronghold of my mind in Jesus Name Amen, against any stronghold in the city, town or village I come from in my life, oh Lord God, give me the mouth and wisdom to decree and destroy the stronghold against my progress in Jesus name Amen, and so on and so forth. It was a privilege to part in the “Father’s” intercessory prayer points
The Holy Spirit took over the entire Arena as the prayers rained.
Moved by the Holy Spirit, the Servant of God and the Prophet of our time, Prophet Sunday Obi, gladly announced that God had sent his Angels with “children” as the first gift/package tonight’. There was joy amongst the Congregations as many who are looking for the fruit of the womb lined up for prayers and confirmation.
Obi says the night is ‘Uncommon and Unlimited” with God’s favor and blessing. It could be described as a splendid and supernatural outing for the Creator, Alleluia.
And the Lord came down with His own glory, His joy knows no bounds as many rendered their special numbers to the glory of God alone.
The house was reignited with the power of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as they sing to glorify His Holy Name. His unconditional and Unlimited love played out during the tarry night. It was awesome, immeasurable, overwhelming, joyful, loving and above all, sspiritually rewarding.
“They came, they saw and they overcome their strongholds through the spoken Word of God.”
The Servant of God, Prophet Sunday Obi, had ushered to the pulpit, a tested and versatile minister of God, Pastor Thompson Ubong, to present the Word which he religiously did justice to the theme “Pulling Down And Destroying Demonic Strongholds”.
It was accurate, communicating, soul winning, factual, confirmed and Spirit filled. The Word was well packaged to the glory of God.

Ubong gave definitions of the theme as it were to a layman’s understanding. Strongholds can be a life habit which one has refused to drop.
He says strongholds can be destroyed by submitting totally to God, total obedience to the Word of God, be loaded with the Word of God always and profess it, by praises and worships, by prayers and through prophetic declarations from the Prophet..
For further study to confirm His Word, you can read the following Bible verses, 2Cor. 10:4/Jer.1: 9,10/Eph.6:12/Heb.4:22 and James 4:7. Others are Joh.1:8/2Sam.17:1,45-46/Acts16:25/Ps.8:2/67:5-6 and Jas. 5:17 respectively. Remain blessed as you read. Amen.
The General Overseer, thereafter, threw more light on the topic, emphasising on the need to work our ways out of strongholds by speaking the word of God.
” When say the word of God and believe and trust in God, all the stronghold will vanish into the tin air”.
Before offering corporate prayers, the Prophet of our time, had declared mass wedding this year to all single ladies in the Tarry night and was done in His Name, Jesus Christ the Son of Man.
He sang, danced and carried healing, deliverance as the service progresses while the Arena Echo International Choir entertained the congregation with beautiful rendition.
He prayed against any stronghold in the lives of believers, prayed for prosperity, good and sound minds, growth of businesses. career and and spiritual protections.
It was a Tarry night of all nights. The Holy Spirit was alive, fortified and powerful.
As he offers the prayers, there was signs and wonders to confirm His Word, and as they speak the Word, the devil fled and never returned. Alleluia!.
The Tarry night was full of entertainment from drama, to special numbers, testimonies and personal encounter with God.
At last, the devil was put to shame as the Holy Spirit took over them that attended the Tarry night to honour God.
First timers were as usual welcomed to Arena fold as prayers were offered in their individual intentions.
There was overflow to the glory of God who kept to His word that, “there shall be a Clement weatherf and maximum security and it came to pass. Amen. Glory be to His Name in the Highest, Amen and Amen.