It was another great and joyful service on Friday at God’s Arena of Liberty, Cross River state, where the Prophet of our time, Prophet Sunday Obi, alias ‘God’s General” is in charge of Gods heritage on Earth, the Arena where His presence is manifest.
All you need is to challenge God by been present in any of its service every Friday and form your opinion.
However, it is said that a Prophet is not recognised in his own land, but for the few like Prophet Sunday Obi, there is Grace and Grace differs.
The theme for the Service is “Praise Triggers The Fulfillment Of Prophecy”.
This was demonstrated by those who came to worship in God’s Arena of Liberty, aka ” Enough is Enough “, penultimate April 1, 2022.
As usual, the Intercessory prayers kick starts the service proper. This was ably and spiritually coordinated by Pastor Thompson Ubong to the glory of His Majesty, Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God.

Make no mistakes, to underrate his grace, but I bet you, no evil spirit tries any nonsense when he mounts the pulpit. The Word of God coming out of his mouth as he conducts the prayers is convincing that God is manifest during the intercessory prayers. It is hot. It charges the environment and makes the devil or any evil man or woman to flee”.
He started by giving praise to the Lord as he led the congregation to sing ” Who is like Unto Thee, Oh Lord”, on and on.
The prayer points centred on mercy, forgiveness of our sins and the need for us to worship God through praises.
Others are to have a heart of gratitude, understanding the power of thank you Lord etc. Stop complaining. Learn to appreciate God for the little, He has done, then it will make Him to do more.
Praise is a weapon of warfare which Paul and Silas applied to receive God’s favour. If it worked for them, then it will work for us today, if we believe.
He prayed for grace, mercy of God upon our lives, open doors in our finances, career, marriage as well as for the body of Christ.
The Wall of Jericho fell down as they praise and worship their God. They never use any dynamite to pull down the wall but praising his Name with His Word, Amen.
For further study, consult your Bible in Pa.67:5-6/8:2/22:3 and Heb.67:5-6.
Presenting the Word with the theme “Praise Triggers Fulfillment Of Prophecy”, Pst. Mrs. Phil Adams, a virtuous woman, soft spoken and spirit filled, who is opportune by His Grace was led by the Holy Spirit to the Glory of God.
“Praise, she says, is the key that unlocks closed doors towards the Fulfillment of our prophecies. It is the gateway to Fulfillment of blessing and turnaround in our lives”.
She cited “Psa 67:5 Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee.Psa 67:6 Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us.”

Praise brings increase in our lives and so we as believers must see it as a serious matter that must be obeyed.
Prophecies could be positive or negative but you must follow it up with praise and prayers to be able to wriggle out of it from either side of the divide.
She says, “the good news is that once a prophecy goes forth, it shall not return void that is the Word of God, and He God Himself.”
Praise is to appreciate God for His goodness, his greatness and for His wonders. He can never share his Glory with any man no matter what. You can get this in the following Bible verses Psa.106:1/150:2 and Ex.15;11.
If we must get our prophecies fulfilled, there must be understanding, gratitude, violent praise, always praise Him in anticipation and High/Loud praise. By so doing, our prophecies shall all come to manifestation, Amen and Amen.
Adams went further to explain, thus, when you praise God with sincere heart, he takes over your Battle, it becomes cost free, God tortures your enemies and you are victorious at the end.
“Patiently wait while you engage the mystery of praise and “BOOM” expectations will be our portions in Jesus Name Amen.” . 23: 5a explains it better”.
She admonished believers to always truth in the prophecies in our lives as it must come to pass. You can read these Bible verses to further enrich your spiritual growth.
.Ps.47:7/138:1/2,Sam.6:14/Ps.149:3/149;6/150:3-5/1Jh.5:4/ 2Chro.20:17-24/Joel 2:8 to the glory of God the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit.
Then came the time for God’s General to appreciate His Master, Jesus and to acknowledge his presence. And began in his usual manner joyfully, singing and dancing towards the choir stand. He danced and sang to the glory of God.
Said he, “praise is the key to open closed doors. There are wonders in praise. Yes, he acknowledged the presence of His Master Jesus Christ. The Lord of Lords, and King of Kings saying “something extraordinary will happen today.
He gave a brief story of David and the Ark of God and what transpired thereafter as David was praising God.”Psa 119:164 Seven times a day do I praise thee because of thy righteous judgments.”

He burst into a song, “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord”. When you make a joyful noise you move God towards your direction. He gets up from His Zion his dwelling place to rescue us. And he continued in his ministration.
There were healing, prophecies and among others huge deliverance to the glory of God. And their loud and heavy praises triggered Fulfillment of their prophecies.
He is a Great and Mighty God. There is a secret power in praise. Read Ps.22:3-4/Isa.61:3/JH.11:4/Mk.14:19 for more understanding.
Today, God wants to hear you praise him with a large heart full of meekness, love, obedience and above all, wisdom and understanding.
The water sprinkling service saw an overflow of believers in attendance. It was a memorable outing in his sight and He cannot lie.
First timers got their prophecies fulfilled as they partake in the out pouring of blessing, healing and deliverance like train from Heaven. Amen!.
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Glory be to God, Alleluia.