“You are the Lord that Changeth Not. That is His Name. What He says is what He will do. Same God, yesterday, today and tomorrow. He is the God of “ARENA”.
Towards the end of 2020 and early period in 2021, it was celebration galore in God’s Arena Of Liberty, aka “Enough is Enough”. From one celebration to another, it was the unfolding of God’s abundance blessings upon his people and He has reactivated the celebration mode as the General Overseer gave her daughter to marriage, come May 26/28 traditional and church wedding.
And our God was awesome and amazingly present in both occasion. He indeed answered the prayers from the church, ministers and prayer mountain towards the success of the wedding. And it came to pass. That is the God of Prophet Sunday Obi and the entire Arena family. Alleluia!

He stood by His Word and it came to pass. He is a miracle working God. He is too large and big for the devil to comprehend. He is a winner all the time.
And that was it concerning the wedding and its attendant success. We give Glory and Honour to Him alone who made it to be so.
The Mother of the Ministry Pastor Mrs. Sarah Abraham, had earlier presented the Intercessory prayer points to kicks start the end of the month Thanksgiving Service tagged “You are what you do”.
She had raised prayers for the state, Cross River against any violence as the election draws near, against any action we have taken in the past that is speaking against us now, prayed for miracle in our lives, God should open our eyes spiritually to see what is good at all times and that God should manifest and fight our battle”.
Oh Lord God, let every stronghold and siege in our lives be removed in the Name of Jesus, Oh Lord God, let your consuming fire burn anything that is not of God in our lives, Oh Lord God, any evil arrow against us or plan of the devil I crush them in Jesus Name Amen.
She prayed for the sick, let’s be our brothers keeper. Let healing, grace and favour locate them IJN.
Amongst all, she called for personal supplication before God Almighty.
For further study, read Ps.34:1/Prob.6:2/Job33:24/Acts5:15/Ps.94:1/99:8/Jas.5:14-15.
Majestically, the Prophet in the house took over the stage and began to sing in his local Boki dialect “He alone is worthy to be praised, He alone has the Grace and Honour” as the congregation joined in unionism, singing and praising Master Jesus”.

He was full of praises to God for keeping to His Word concerning the rain as his daughter wedded.
Prophet Sunday Obi, God’s own general, danced and began to release prophesies on marriage and single ladies in the Ministry. He prophesized and prayed for them to get their hearts desires.
He prayed for both single ladies as well as single men.
Speaking on the Word, he noted that “we can lie to ourselves but not to God our Creator.
He regretted that some men of God do consulate witch doctors after leaving their pulpits seeking to serve “idols”.
“We are serving God, but we are what we do” Our faces are different while our minds are saying another thing entirely. When you see a christian with a Godly character, you will understand that it is the Holy Spirit work of sanctification upon the life of the christian”.
“Do people see your faith in the things that you do?” True character is shown in how you act in any given situation, he says”.
The word was presented the Oracle of God and man of integrity, Pastor Udah Okey, saying”You are what you do” and not what you say”.
“We claim we are christians, but we disobey God. You are always doing a different thing from what God says you should do. This is not Christianity”. Nobody is caring about what is happening in the church. We are a generator full of sins, a generation without Obedience to God and we are no longer preaching the Bible.”
He went on saying, “if we are not careful we will be cursed. The fear of God should be right inside us. Why envy and jealousy in the church?. The city is evil. We need to take a reverse and begin to obey God and do as he says. There are to many eye service in the church today. You are who you are. Wake up and take a stand and follow Master Jesus is as a child of God”.
“Try as much as possible to be who you are. So many things are happening in the church. Burying live goats or cow etc. Be careful when you read the scripture as a minister, pastor, Evangelist or worker in the church”.

Read the following Bible verses to further enrich your spiritual life. Nu.23:12-20/Isa1:4-10-12/Mat:23:1-5/Isa.1:15-17 respectively.
There was a great overflow in the house of God. There was not, happiness in abundance. His presence overwhelmed the devil and its cohort.
And they came and got their blessings in abundance to the glory of God.
The highlight of the service was the great visit of a Prophet from the East who came visiting the Servant of God with lots of prophesies and warning against the Ministry and the General Overseer.
He is no other than Evang/Prophet Consolate L.Ukanwa of Ancient Of Days Deliverance Ministry aka Solution Center.
The visiting Prophet prayed for the General Overseer, Pastor and workers in Arena saying “there is grace and presence of God here”.
First timers were prayed and welcomed. Visit us at our Facebook page. Like/Comment on the posts. God bless you. Counseling remains Mon/Wed, while prayer mountain is Mon/The/Wed every week.
God bless you for attending to the Service.