The Aninoting Service Manifested The Wonders Of God’s Blessing

BY: Phil Adams/Vitalis Ugoh, Calabar

To God be the glory, who draws all men unto Himself if Jesus be lifted up from the earth. (Jn 12:32), the prayer meeting was well attended.

“There is nothing He Cannot Do Protocol Breaker”. He is the Mighty God. All powers bow before Him. That is who God is. He is a Great and Wonderful God. Alleluia!!.

The picture became clearer, when you think about “The Wonders Of God’s Blessing” being the theme of the Aninoting Service last Friday as the Intercessory prayers dwelt on it. 

Among those liberated following the prophetic ministration are:- a woman set free from poverty caused by ancestral alter oppression. Ps 24:7 everlasting doors (household enemies) and gates (external enemies); a young man whose uncle put a ram’s brain in his head, and afflicted with an infirmity had human brain restored and healed of the affliction;  a lady delivered from elimination attempt by 3 persons; a man stagnated, frustrated and possessed by spirit of masquerade as a result of family shrine oppression was liberated; a young man was set free from plan of an enemy to eliminate him/he is to sow a painful seed to a mentor man of God towards his next appointment as youngest Commissioner after 2023 elections.  

Just after the word on “The Wonders Of God’s Blessing”, God’s Servant, Prophet Sunday Obi, wished that a drop of this rain of God’s Blessing touches everyone for a change of story. This obviously happened following encounters as he ministered. Jesus did it all. 

The second segment of the service was ANOINTING SERVICE. Prophetic pronouncements were made over the contents of the bottles of oil placed under the chairs, individuals were directed to anoint themselves, drink some and pray over their lives.
Remarkably, the Servant of God by himself anointed all the children after which he also anointed the palms of ministers and the entire congregation.

When praises go up, God is brought into the scene, the windows of heaven are open followed by a rain of God’s Blessing. 

This was what happened at the service in confirmation of the Theme: Wonders of God’s Blessing. It is for every one who believes and is at right standing with God “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation”(Rm 10:10). 

This is your hour of change for grabs if you have not already accepted Jesus as your Lord and savior (Jn 3:16). Now pray with all seriousness “Jesus I am a sinner. Wash my sins with your blood. I accept you as my Lord and Saviour. I am now Born again.” Congratulations!.

Pst. Richard Eleng, an outstanding minister of God did justice on the theme as he offered several prayer points to kick start the service.

He prayed for “God’s Divine Mercy upon our lives, seek for the understanding of His word, God’s power and fire upon our lives and for his grace and fire to continually burn in our lives”.

Eleng also prayed for an overflow during the Aninoting Service, prayed for the forthcoming general elections so that we might have a God fearing Presidential candidate.

The minister of God, prayed and committed this country unto God’s hands against any attempt to islamise the country and he offered prayers against enemies of this great country Nigeria concerning any aggression.

He took his prayer points from the following Bible verses. Lk.9:52-56/Mk.6:20-21/Acts.2:1-4/Ps.92:10/83:1-3 and Isa.63:20-24.

At this juncture, the ARENA Echo International choir rendered a heartbreaking song “Your Name Is Emmanuel”  igniting the entire premises with the fire of God and manifesting the Wonders Of God’s Blessing”. It was a song that moved the spirit and fire of members of the congregation.

The Prophet in the House, God’s own general, Prophet Sunday Obi applauded the Choir, expressing his profound gratitude to God for raising members of the Arena Echo International choir to sing for God.

However, he expressed his disappointment towards the attitude of “late comers” to program such as this and their churches every time. He admonished them to have a rethink henceforth.

With joy radiating around him, the Prophet in his usual manner, proudly ushered in the youngest Minister of God, Rev. Kingdom Obi to the pulpit to present the Word Tagged “Wonders Of The Blessing” sub-titled “The Blessing”.

Drawing her text from Gen 12:2-3, Ps 10:22 & Gen 22:1-4, Rev. Kingdom Obi, preached on the Theme: THE WONDERS OF GOD’S BLESSING. The “Blessing” she said is the ‘divine aid provoked by divine help which distinguishes a person from others in all ramifications’.

Rev. Obi who is a daughter to the Prophet did justice to the theme describing “Blessing as a Divine aid/help or it could be a pronouncement attracting Divine favor or aid as the case may be.

 Blessing is not about living a good life. It be blessing with children, health, job, favour, etc. Blessing shows. You can not hide blessing when it comes. We cannot do without the blessing of God because of its importance. Gen. 12:1-3 says “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed”.

She says “when a man is blessed forces from Heaven will assist him, and forces on earth will assist him too”.

Gen. 1: 26-28 says this “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”

“Blessing is what attracts blessings”. 
She admonished christians to pray and ask God for blessing. When you are blessed things fall in place. The blessing makes all the difference”.

“When a man is blessed he blesses other people. For you to enjoy the blessing, you must be obident and act in faith at all times.(Gen.12:1-4.).

“Every blessed man is an envy to Satan. If Satan is not worried about you, then you are not blessed”, Rev. Obi notes.”

Finally, she says, “that a blessed man is always victorious, no matter, the challenge. Blessing brings exaltation as recorded in Num.23:8/20:19

The three weeks prayers resumes, as the Prophet says the death of Queen Elizabeth of England is a prayer answered by God. So many prominent politicians will die before 2023 general elections, that many cabals in Aso Rock perpetrating these evil things against Nigerians will die, that the governor of Imo State, Hope Uzodimma has been exposed through our prayers, that people should learn to reject politicians evil monies, and that by next year, Nigerians abroad shall return enmasse,” Alleluia!.
Other prayer points include, that “God should cause division between ancestors sitting in Aso Rock, destroy every evil plan against the 2023 elections with the intent of rigging, against all forces that will resist God’s choice of president, against all sponsors of evil presidential candidate, God to deliver Nigeria, change our story, manage our lives amongst others.”

He sang and danced into the crowd as ministration starts.

Also, he offered corporate prayers for the country, our families and above all on our leaders to do the right thing as we enter into 2023 general elections.
He prayed for blessing of God upon our lives as the congregation were made to throw “stone and the use of sword against the evil ones in our families as well as personal supplications.

The Prophet later blessed aninoted oil, blood and water for the people to use.

Testimonies recorded among others include: a woman healed via blessed water, divine provision of school fees for child, daughter healed through encounter with God’s servant, journey mercies, enablement to be at the Arena Mondays to Fridays,  healing of sister prayed for by the congregation Friday past in progress etc. The Prophet noted that prophecies do not die, but tarry to be fulfilled at the appointed time if only you believe and have faith in God. 

The first marriage Bann for Bassey Sunday Enu and Princess Patience Enang was announced. The wedding comes up on October 28th, 2022, @Arena premises.

Good News!! Good News!!!. The last Tarry Night for the year is coming up on November 18th, 2022.

First timers were welcomed in their numbers.

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God alone is worthy of the praise.

Jesus is Lord.

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