The Holy Ghost Came Down And Answered Prayers


The Servant of God, Prophet Sunday Obi had jokingly told worshippers at Friday’s blood sprinkling service that the angels had submerged the arena with many gifts from God,  but only those that can see understood him. 

He went further to say that “only those who are prepared to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior will receive those spiritual gifts and go home with them. 

Not quiet long,  “the Holy Spirit started to manifest among  them in the congregation as the Echo Choir international renders praise and worship songs to the glory of His Name. 

Prophet Obi,  could not help but to commence prophetic declarations in the lives of those that received the Holy Spirit as God directed saying “today your prayers have been answered “.

The service took another dimension as he could not preach as usual but went into ministration proper so as to touch more lives before the close of service. 

He admonished worshipers not to take God for granted.  God speaks through his prophet to solve our problems and challenges in life. He is answerable to all our challenges. 

He regretted that most people do not know how to appreciate  God.  God’s delay is never in our lives because at the appointed time, He will surely answer our prayers.

“When you seek the face of God,  every other thing shall be added. When you begin to seek the face of God,  that which God has not done,  He will do it for you”.

According to Mat  7:7-12 “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you”:

“God allows some challenges to occur just to put us in the right track and frame of mind. It is the testing of our faith so that you can know God.  Until you desire to know Jesus,  you will never be liberated”.

He said that “there is no righteous man before God.  You have been praying everyday, but most times you don’t know what you want.  What is the challenge in your life.  God will answer you today Amen. 

“Jesus is our Ebenezer,  when you are lonely,  hungry, rejected, forsaken, abandoned,  stagnated, traumatised,  no marriage,  frustrated and persecuted”.

Earlier,  Pastor Stanley Williams while presenting the “Word” reminded believers that the spoken word is very powerful as many homes and marriages have scattered as a result of spoken word.  Mist importantly, marriages and  homes are built, created and cemented by the word”.

God’s desire in our lives is for us to control what comes out of our mouth,  noting that “those that are planted in the household of the Lord shall flourish as they believe and have faith in the word of God. 

Citing the book of Daniel 10:12 -13, Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words”.

He recalled that Daniel prayed unto God and his prayers were answered though it took  him 21 days. 

He said the word of God is settled in heaven. Do you know that it can be done in heaven,  but yet executed on earth? That the heavens can certify your prayers and the Earth is yet to rectify it?. 

“Our life,  he said,  is dependent on spirituality.  We need spiritual information than physical information. The physical information  kills the human  spirit and projects fear.”,

“Negative informations fills the air toady. Discouragement is everywhere. What about the zeal you had to serve God?”,

He prayed that God will  answer all our prayers on marriages,  disappointments, promotion,  education and health challenges today. 

Also, he prayed that “our life,  destiny, business, carrier,  promotion and miracle shall not be on a stand still,  but it shall flourish on every side in our lives Amen.”

The Servant of God had declared total visitation of the Holy Spirit upon the congregation to close the service as first timers were prayed for and welcomed into the fold. 

Deliverance went with ease according to the spirit of God. 

The theme of the service is “Convenat  Day of God’s Divine Answers to all challenges of life”.

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