By: Phil Adams/Vitalis Ugoh Calabar
The God of ARENA showed up as promised during the second Tarry Night in God’s Arena Of Liberty (GOAL) aka “Enough is Enough”. He had earlier revealed the plans of the enemy towards the Tarry Night. How international demons had planned to cause rain to fall from 7.00 p.m till the next day.
But woe be tide them. The word of God is supreme, powerful and has never returned void. He will surely do what it says it will do.

The Ministers and workers in ARENA had prepared for the tarry Night as well as the prayer mountain. We jointly prayed and fasted together for this day. And it came to pass on Friday 28, 2024, from 9.00 pm till dawn.
The Prophet in the house, Prophet Sunday Obi, had cried out loud, “encouraging the international demons to come and test our God”.
Atlas! Not even a representative from their coven showed up. The environment was too hot for them to try. God was manifest in glory. The tarry Night came and gone without a glimpse of the frustrated international demons. The God of Vengeance showed up in strength and vigour spiritually.
Their empty boast could not hold any waters. The rains could not stop worshippers from attending the tarry night. There was overflow. They failed woefully. The power of God overwhelmed their existence and presence during the tarry Night tagged “Night of Vegenance”.
The night of vengeance was power packed and the demons could not smell near the gate talk less of causing any harm.
One good news was that the giant of Africa and God’s own general Prophet Sunday Obi was physically, mentally and spiritually strong. The God of ARENA heard our prayers. Though, the demons tried to be funny as he was preparing but as soon as he stepped into the premises, the supposed “arrow and pains” vanished. He joined many that testified to give God Thanksgiving.

Looking very happy and sharp, he began to extol his Master Jesus, the Savior of humanity. He danced, danced as the whole premises became ignited by the power of God. He came down in glory. He showed up for his people as promised – Alleluia!
The Ministers had earlier welcomed the Holy Spirit via prayers, as Pst. David Ibe gave the opening prayers,hence the Intercessory prayers by the Son of the Prophet, Victor Onen.
Said he, “Oh Lord God, arise tonight and avenge for me and members of my families, avenge against every funeral procession for any member of my day, my self, my wife and all that is connected to me, Oh Lord God, as I receive the heavenly sword let it begin to cut my enemies wherever they are, pass judgement on my enemies tonight, and anyone planning to dethrone me, let him die, die, die in Jesus Name Amen”
“Oh Lord God, because tonight is night of vengeance, arise and avenge for my marriage, career and business, Oh Lord God, wherever they have carried my name to, for my sake this night may they die and let holy ghost fire consume them in Jesus Name Amen.”
The Prophet as usual allowed 30 minutes worship. The night became charged. It was too hot for the known enemy, the devil. He could not withstand the heat. The power of God was in display as the Servant of God began to fetch out victims of one challenge or the other.

“With easy and power of God, they were healed. It looks like “black magic” to the first timers, but the His Presence was manifest. He healed them by their faith. God’s hands is involved.”
The choir sang her special No “i have a very big God”. Opportunity was given to individuals and groups to present their special numbers during the tarry night”.
Psalms 94:1 says “O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongs— O God, to whom vengeance belongs, shine forth!”
There was another grace of ten minutes worship before the Prophet introduced the guest speaker in the person of the Mother of the Commission, Mama Sarah Abraham.
Psalms 68:1 says “Let God arise, Let His enemies be scattered; Let those also who hate Him flee before Him”.
She described the night of vengeance as night of war and judgement. “1 John 4:4You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world”.
Mama Abraham says “the shouting camp is the winning camp. Psalms 24:7-10 says “Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in.
Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle.
Lift up your heads, O you gates! Lift up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in.
Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory. Selah”
She says vengeance is retaliation, it is revenge taken for an insult, injury, injustice etc. Isa 61:1-6/63;4.
Vengeance is the will of God. It is biblical. It serve as a deterrent to people, God avenges against wicked men, evil altars and spirit.
Importance of vengeance includes, the spirit follows the word, God confirms the word we preach into action, (lk 21:22/Isa 43:26/Jer.29:11-14.
She says the prophetic ministry as defensive and offensive. – Isa 34:8. After vengeance is recompense or compensation. Pay back or restoration.
According to her, “when vengeance is taken, the battle is over. When the battle is over, affliction is over, pain is over, shame is over, wasted years are over, when vengeance is taken there is settlement”.
Conditions for God’s vengeance, hold your peace Exd 14:14 says “The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.”

She went on to say, “God will not pray for anyone’s problem. You got to pray your way out – Amen. Tonight is a night of war and our warfare is prayer.”
Oh! What a powerful message. As many that heard the word got their healing and vengeance from God.
First marriage bann for Pst. Israeli Johnson and Pst.Blessing Agba was announced as their traditional marriage comes up soon in the month of July, 2024.
By human measure, the night was good but our God was overwhelmed by the overflow and the lives touched. Over 30 persons got delivered during the tarry night. It was awesome. It was powerful. It was glorious and spiritual.
The Lord of Host manifested in His Nature – doing good – Alleluia!.
The tarry Night was worth it’s theme “Night Of Vengeance”. God’s vengeance came in different dimension. They people testified.
First timers were duly welcomed and prayed for.
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Alleluia! Alleluia!! Alleluia!!!